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Monday, September 8, 2008

Why APR is like Forrest Gump

So over the weekend the Government used the major distraction and media focus of APR's sisters wedding to announce the take-over of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As the wonderful wedding took place and the media focus was away the government went in and saved a bunch of rich people.

But what does this have to do with Forrest Gump? It's because, like most of Americans, APR is retarded like Forrest Gump. Gump wasn't full retard like Simple Jack. Oh know, APR was mostly retarded. Gump did things without question, he trusted what people told him and he was very kind. Meaning he was mostly retarded!

You see, APR pays APR's bills, loans, mortgages, daycare and taxes. That makes APR mostly retarded. It turns out not everyone does this. So as APR sits around and stumbles through life following the rules, doing what's best and trusting people the "Jenny" of the world goes out and parties, uses drugs, and becomes a whore. What is the consequences for the wild deprived lifestyle of the Jenny? Why it's to have a rich Gump takes her back, raises her kid and gives here a great life.

So the government is bailing out these two institutions, taking on their debt, and helping out people who can't pay their taxes, loans, mortgages, and credit cards. What does APR get? APR get's f-ed up the A$$. APR gets to pay for all this and APR gets to hear all the whining all the time, while APR watches APR's property value go down, taxes go up, and investments loss money.

Thank you F-ing Jenny.

So who is Jenny? Well Jenny is the executives of Fannie and Freddie and APR just wishes that they will all die of F-ing AIDS!!!!!!! What about the people who defaulted on their loads? Why they are the retarded kid that Fannie and Freddie left behind!!!

