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Friday, August 8, 2008

Going Green Part 1 (Creationist and our school system)

Where do I start?

There are the F-tards granola, tree-hugging, hippies

There are the F-ing politicians

There are the Mother-F-ing smug actors

There are the F-ing media F-ers.

Please for the love of all that is holy no more!!!!

No More Carbon Neutral!
No More Living Green!
No More Green House Gases!
No More Global Warming!
No More Climate Change!

And please no more Al F-ing Gore!

All of you please shut the F-up, you Mother-F-er!!!!!

So before you dismiss me as one of those right-wing, anti-earth, big corporate, Chaney cronies I just want to say that the only political stance I have is I hate and mistrust all politicians, political parties, and anyone associated with any political parties.

I feel that I might just be the last person on earth who is truly neutral on this subject.

How do I know this Green movement is F-ed up? It’s because we are being spoon feed marketing BS by the media and big corporations are brainwashing us to buy anything that is Green or carbon neutral or organic or recycled (for a nice mark-up). You see, they couldn’t sell this stuff to traditional f-tards, granola, tree hugging, hippies because they have no money, but if they can get the media to buy into this fear mongering, they can get middle class f-tards too buy anything with a Green f-ing label.

Why APR is this happening?

1st let’s blame taking science out of education. Those G-Damn creationists have challenged scientific education in our school system so much that schools are afraid to teach anything dealing with science. Because of this, kids today are not smart enough to understand scientific deductive reasoning so that anyone like Al F-ing Gore can do a Power-Point presentation with neat graphs and pictures and get a Nobel Prize.

Let me make this point perfectly clear. After numerous years of testing and research, no one can explain how humans impact earth’s climate because no one really knows. Because of this, even if we were impacting earth’s climate we do not know how to change it back.

So let’s say we were impacting the earth’s climate with CO2. Does that mean if we magically stopped making CO2 the earth will revert back to some perfect time when there was no climate change?

No you f-tard!

There will always be climate change and who’s to say climate change isn’t part of how the earth works.

You environmentalist say climate change makes it harder to predict the weather. So I guess it was easier to predict the weather 10 years ago? Or maybe 20 or even 50 years ago? You’re saying because we can’t predict the weather we humans have somehow f-ed up the world? How about this… maybe we humans can’t f-ing predict the weather!!! Did you ever think of that? How many f-ing times have the weather man been wrong? Maybe the world is f-ing with our minds and God is playing with the thermostat and watching humans act like dumb-asses?

So if our schools actually taught kids deductive reasoning they might questions both the environmentalist and the anti-environmentalist and their reasoning and assumptions because both sides are taking inconclusive scientific research and making up their own conclusions, instead of looking at the facts and test results.

The first lesson is don’t trust anyone unless they can prove conclusively their point.

My point is our education system is f-ed up and releasing dumb f-tards into society. Can anyone prove me wrong on that point?

Next part is about those f-ing politicians.

