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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Time to look for a new job when…

With the current economic crisis and the worsening economy you may ask yourself are there signs that you should start looking for a new job?

APR has one that a lot of financial and economic sites fail to mention. This is a great rule for you to start looking for a new job and/or if you’re an investor to start selling their stock.

The rule is: If the CEO/President of your company starts appearing in commercials when they traditionally never were in any commercials before, it’s time to start looking for a new job.

The main reason for the CEO/President of any company to make a commercial is to brand themselves as part of the company's image and convey a sense that they play a personal part in the everyday running of the company. Sure this would work for some mom and pop business and a used car dealer but not for a multi-billion dollar company.

The likely reason for the CEO/President to start making commercials is because the company has spent millions of dollars on a new advertising plan and chances are they hired some expensive consulting company.

Here’s the pitch….

Expensive Consulting Company (ECC) Person #1: Man we wasted millions of dollars and haven’t come up with any ideas on selling this crappy product. WTF are we going to do? How can we come up with an ad campaign that will justify the millions that they spent on our ECC?

ECC Person #2: I know what we can do… we can stoke the ego of the CEO/President and use him as the centerpiece of a multi-million dollar ad campaign. He can’t say no because we will tell him how great he is and he will love to see his face all over the place to really build up his ego.

ECC Person #1: You’re an F-ing genius! Let’s go get some ho’s and blow to celebrate and charge it to our client.

So not only did your company spend millions on consultants, ad agencies, and TV/Print advertising but the face of your company will be associated with some rich white guy and it’s not Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark either. Oh no, it’s some rich white guy with an even bigger ego now that he will see his face everywhere.

Here’s a list of commercials that APR has noticed and the results.

Ford – William Clay "Bill" Ford Jr. – Ford has continued to post record loses, had huge layoffs and tons of restructuring cost since his commercials first appeared. Let’s hope Henry Ford will come out of his grave to B*tch Slap his grandson.

DamilerChrysler – Dieter Zetsche “Dr. Z” – Same fate as Ford and they had to sell Chrysler for some blow and a tranny whore.

Sprint – Dan Hesse – Too soon to tell but APR thinks they should spend the money on getting exclusive phones like the iPhone or Blackberry and hire a new CEO who’s more interested in building your company vs. appearing in commericals.

Let’s look at other commercials with CEO/Presidents/Owners, there’s the Hair Club for Men Guy, Learn to use a Computer Guy, Male Enhancement Guy, and don’t forget Used Car Dealers.

You know who else put his face everywhere to sell his message? Hitler...

Yeah do you really want your company to be associated with those guys?

So if you’re sitting at home eating your leftovers and see the CEO/President of your company in a commercial it’s time to start looking for another job.

And if you're looking for a new job. Feel free to follow APR's 3 Easy Ways to Get a Job.

