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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

APR is Bizarro!

Me APR, and when Me get a bill Me pay it.
Me pay Me taxes, and Me pay Me mortgage.
Me APR, Me try and live within Me means.
Me save for Me future by investing in Me retirement fund.
Me so smart because Me do what Me told.

What the F!!!!

When did personal responsibility and some basic (very basic) financial planning become stupid, bizarre, and retarded? What type of F-ing world does APR live in because APR seems like the outlier instead of the norm?

As you all know the financial world is going to crap. What does that mean? It means that if you’ve made bad decisions in the past 8 years, you don’t need to worry about it. Because you can bitch and complain to the government and run your F-ing company and/or personal finances into the ground and the government will come in and save your sorry ass.

Oh no, was anyone complaining the past 8 years? Funny APR doesn’t think anyone was saying wait a minute maybe housing prices shouldn’t go up 5X in a year or maybe a person without a job can’t really afford a $500k house or maybe we really shouldn’t sell cars that gets 5 mpg or give credit to people who have no jobs. Where were those people 8, 6, 4, even 2 years ago?

Oh but listen too all the sad stories now… listen to all the bitching and moaning.

The lesson for the financial institutions, auto makers, mortgage companies, insurance companies, and those people who borrowed more than they can pay back is the good old government will take care of you if you bitch and complain loud enough or threaten to shut down your business.

But APR this sounds like a win-win for everyone. So why is APR upset?

Because APR has been paying APR’s mortgage, credit card bills, and taxes, and because of that APR will get screwed! Because APR’s property value has gone to crap, APR’s 401k has gone to crap, and APR will have to pay higher taxes, HOA’s dues and service fees to cover for those who can’t pay.

So while all those Mother-F’er are out dancing in the street waiting for the government to send them another stimulus check with their reduced mortgages and new credit cards, APR is eating leftovers and clipping coupons. Because APR wasn’t going to get foreclosed on, because APR wasn’t late in his credit card bills, and because APR wasn’t spending his money on things APR didn’t need, APR will get nothing! No bailout for APR because APR pays APR’s bills, why would credit card companies remove some of APR’s debt because APR was paying it down already, and no new refinanced mortgage for APR with a lower rate either because APR was paying his already.

What lesson is this teaching people? If you F-up your company, if you F-up your finances, and if you F-up the economy don’t worry because you don’t need to pay your bills or your taxes because some retard will do it and we’ll just take his money.


The government will bail out your company if you make bad decisions.

The government will give money to the financial institutions to cover people who can’t pay their bills.

The government will give money to the credit card companies to release people who can’t pay their debt obligations.

Here’s a Bizarro solution to the financial crisis, give the money to those who don’t need it so that they can spend it or maybe they will invest it and release funds so that banks can loan it to businesses. But what ever you do don’t give it to people who have proven that they can’t handle money and already F-ed up before.

Because that’s like giving a drunk more alcohol so that maybe this time he won’t get drunk.

F-U CEO’s who F-ed UP your companies! F-U you bastards who spend more than you can afford! F-U management decision makers who made crappy products that no one wants! F-U mortgage companies for giving people more money than they can pay back!

Yeah laugh at me as you cash your next stimulus check and buy your next HDTV as you go home to your foreclosure protected home because that’s APR’s F-ing money you’re spending!


