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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yea verily yea!

APR writes a lot of crazy ass things… and once in awhile APR actually hits a nerve and writes something profound. Sadly APR hates when that happens…

Check out the following links.

Are you an idiot to keep paying your mortgage?

The world has never seen such freezing heat;jsessionid=Z5NMBFZTLI3JPQFIQMFCFFOAVCBQYIV0?xml=/opinion/2008/11/16/do1610.xml&site=15&page=0

Once again APR has another analogy that seems profound, comical, and yet sad because it’s so true.

APR feels like he is the Fool following King Lear around…

What? What? What?

Okay all you primates… Put down the remote and pick up some Shakespeare.



William Shakespeare. You know Romeo and Juliet? MacBeth? Does that ring a bell?

Okay here’s the short of it. King Lear is an old king who feels that he needs to test the love of his daughters. He makes several mistakes and forsakes the one daughter who truly loves him. He realizes his mistake too late as he loses everything that he loves (including the daughter who truly loves him). This, my friend, is called a Tragedy not the normal happy-happy feel good type of Hollywood movies. Or as APR likes to think of it, Shakespeare was the John Woo of the Elizabethan era. Not the John Woo after he went to Hollywood, the John Woo when he was in Hong Kong making movies like the Killer.

John Who? No John Woo… come on people, he directed Chinese movies with super slow motion action, two guns in each hand and unlimited ammo?

If you’re too lazy to read the play King Lear, check out Akira Kurosawa’s Ran.

Akira Kurosawa? Sorry another obscure reference that only a few people will get. Sadly maybe no one will get…

Anyway that’s another blog or several more blogs… back to King Lear.

So APR isn’t King Lear or the daughters… Oh no… APR is the Fool. Yes the Fool who runs around making fun of the King. So who’s the King? Why it’s the society that we live in. APR mocks society and the crazy ass stuff that happens.

APR is like the Fool and is content is following the King around and making fun of the King. But not once does the Fool try and stop the King from making any mistakes. Oh no, that isn’t the job of the Fool the job of the Fool is to mock, tell a joke, and enjoy witty banter with the King. Yea verily yea!

Fools and jesters in the Renaissance era were employed not only by nobility but by aristocratic households. Fools served not to simply amuse but to criticize their master or mistress and their guests.

The one thing that the Fool hates is someone who will try and reason with the King and thus, agrees with the Fool in his criticism. You see the Fool does not follow any ideology. He rejects all appearances, of law, justice, and moral order.

So as the storm rages on and the King is screaming into the tempest, the Fool will be next to the king mocking him. But when someone else decides to stand up next to the Fool and scream criticism against the King, the Fool will have to turn around and wonder what the F is this person doing here. No really, what the F are you standing next to me and why the F are you here? This is my job, just like the token minority in a teenage sex comedy.

The Fool is paid to be here. So what the F is your reason?

What’s APR’s point? Please for the love of God do not take APR seriously.

