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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

APR's War on Halloween!

The evils of Halloween is upon us. Yes the evil that is Halloween!!!!!

So to fight this satanic devil worshiping holiday of debauchery and witchcraft APR is putting out a list of movies to watch and hopefully steer your kids away from turning into whores.


Yes Whores!!!!

Halloween has turned from a night of candy and sweet sugar love to an night of eye candy and sweet ass love.

You all know what APR is talking about! APR is talking about the turning of Halloween into Whore-O-Ween. Hopefully the whores will all freeze to death because of their skimpy costumes. So hopefully you will take APR's advice and stay at home with your kids and watch some of the following movies.

1st is a movie about our Lord and Savior fighting all that is truly evil.

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter!

You're asking yourself why is JC fighting vampires? Well if that movie doesn't make it clear. APR will tell you.... Vampires are the gateway for women to turn to Lesbian Whores! Yes vampires turn women into lesbians and after they are turned to lesbians they become whores. It must have something to do with tight leather, and the forbidden passion that only two women can share.

But if you don't believe APR and the scientific proof then take a look at this 1950's PSA educational film.

How do you know you're a lesbian (AKA Die Lesbian Vampires!)

After watching that you too will understand the connection between Halloween, vampires, lesbians and whores.

I know what you're all saying... APR can you suggest something more subliminal and less lesbian about the message of JC and prevent our kids from becoming atheist, lesbian, and Democrats?

Why yes APR has a great suggestion that will have your kids singing a happy song before they realize the overt Christan message and pretty soon they will be protesting abortion clinics with you in no time.

Veggie Tales

So sit back and ignore those pesky trick and treating kids and enjoy the following movies.

