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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

APR was right again

Sorry for the lack of any updates...

But APR is trying out Facebook and really can't stand it...

Oh well...

It looks like APR was right again for making fun of Al Gore and the F-ing green movement...

"For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures.

And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise."

Suck it Al Gore!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

8-bit Weezer

Do you love Weezer?

Do you love 8-bit video games?

Then you will love Weezer hits done with 8-bit video game samples or sounds or hell APR don’t know but it’s for all those Weezer fans out there who love classic video game.

APR's favorite is El Scorcho…

Check it out…

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Marvel vs. DC

Sorry for the lack of updates...

Here's a funny I'm a Marvel and I'm a DC with Deadpool...

Too F-ing funny...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bruce Lee Vs. Iron Man

We all know how much of a badass Bruce Lee was but what will happen if Bruce Lee took on Iron Man?

Wait for the surprise ending.

So now you know...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


APR loves Deadpool and hates what Hollywood is doing to his character in the new Hollywood movie.

But APR does love Ryan Reynolds and since Ryan is such a big fan of Deadpool APR will let it slide...

Here's Ryan during an interview

And here's a little taste of Deadpool.

If you want to check out Deadpool for free you can read it online here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

F-U Peter David

Who is Peter David and why does APR hate him?

Peter David is a bad comic book writer but that isn't the point.

Peter may or may not have shut down Scans_Daily. Well APR wants someone to blame so APR will blame Peter.

What was Scans_Daily. It was were APR kept in touch with what was happening with comic books and connected with other comic book readers. But copyright holders felt they were illegally using their material. Sadly by posting some parts of comic book pages Scans_Daily sold more comic books and got more publicity to those comic books than a Hollywood comic book movie and cost less money to do so.

So Peter and the corporation who don't like fans that he works for decided to use Da Man and shut down the site.

But what does APR know.

RIP Scans_Daily.

F-U Peter David...

F-U to hell...

Here's a site that might one day hope to be like Scans_Daily.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Disney is raising my kids

People have asked APR how APR manages to raise APR's children in a TV friendly environment when their is so much pressure to turn off the TV. Well it's tough and with APR's spawn spending so much time at daycare and school it's hard to make sure they watch at least 8 hours of TV.

Luck for APR and all those parents out there worried about making sure their kids get enough time to watch TV there is the Disney Channel. So APR has the Disney channel on 24/7 along with a mini-dvd player showing High School Musical next to the TV and a laptop which boots up on to make sure APR's kids get's more than enough TV time.

And yes even APR enjoys some Disney and APR isn't taking about waiting for the Disney Channel start to be 18. Oh no, APR loves Phineas and Ferb.

And not only is the shows entertaining but the shows will teach APR's girls to become music video dancers. Check out how close this song from Phineas and Ferb is to Beyonce's song Single Ladies.

And don't forget I got Squirrels in My Pants.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

George Lucas Raped Our Childhood

So it came to APR's attention that a lot of nerds hate George Lucas for raping their childhood memories.

APR was one of those nerds. But APR has grown up and actually had sex (with a real woman) so APR doesn't feel that much vial towards Lucas.

So every time APR get's angry at George Lucas APR thinks of the following and just let it go... Just let it go people...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

F-U David Carradine

While APR was watching The Art of Action: Martial Arts in Motion Picture presented by the "F-ing Snakes on a Plane Afro Samurai" Samuel L. Jackson. APR was reminded of the greatest whitewashing in Hollywood history.

This is worst then 21 and F-ing Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Oh no... this was the worst...

This was Hollywood picking David F-ing Carradine over Bruce Lee to play an Asian martial arts master.

How F-ing messed up was that? A white guy who had no martial arts training will play an Asian martial arts expert. I would say sure against most guys maybe but the greatest martial arts master of all times Bruce Lee. Thank you F-ing Hollywood for your racist feelings. Don't get me started on how racist Kung Fu the TV show was with David sounding like a fortune cookie during the whole show. You can end any of David's dialog with "in bed".

But to add insult to injury for the 20 year made for TV movie, who do you get to play David Carradine's son? Why not get Brandon Lee... What the F... Bruce was already dead in some whore house so let's get his son... So let's F-ing rape Bruce in his grave and have David beat up his son.

Look at the following clip....

You have some old white guy who can barely move fight the son of one of the fasting martial arts experts. Come on people... Bruce Lee's moves were so fast they couldn't record all his moves and you have David F-ing Carradine...

F-U all to Hell... And Hollywood, don't think having a TV show where an Asian, Russell Wong, get's to have sex with every women he comes across including the old white woman makes up for this...

Hell NO!

F-U David Carradine.

And here's Bruce Lee kicking Chuck Norris' ASS!

Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor

APR and Ms. APR has a new favorite show...

Flight of the Conchords

Check out Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor

This reminds APR of this single days going to clubs...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

It's the economy stupid

APR knows it's hard to understand the current economic crisis.

So hopefully this should explain the mess we're all in. In an easy to understand graphic format.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sadly APR Was Right Again

Who predicted the layoffs at Sprint? APR did back in Nov.

Check out the following:

Sprint Nextel to Lay off About 8,000 Workers

"The rule is: If the CEO/President of your company starts appearing in commercials when they traditionally never were in any commercials before, it’s time to start looking for a new job."

Well it looks like APR was right. Sorry to all those works who have been laid off. APR knows your pain. APR will intensify his mocking of Dan Hesse in your honor.

F-You Dan Hesse... How many F-ing jobs could you have saved if you didn't F-ing need to feed your F-ing ego and make expensive commercials? or maybe why don't you spend your F-ing time working vs. making commercials! F-you Dan and your F-ing rich ass... F-U to hell because 8k people lost their jobs because of you and your poor decision making!!!! If there was justice, only one person would lose their job and that one person should have been you, Dan Hesse.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

APR's Man Crush

It's hard to believe it but APR has to point out when Hollywood does something right.

The train wreck that will have been the next Wolverine movie has been saved. The savior of the new Wolverine movie is Deadpool (as played by Ryan Reynolds).

Not only does APR gets a Nerd Woody because Deadpool will be in the movie but also APR has a man crush for Ryan Reynolds (Yes Ms. APR knows about it).

APR is not gay but damn look at this.... (APR needs to hit the gym)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bring Back Clerks The Animated Series

Bring back Clerks the Animated Series!!!!!

See if you can spot all the movie references...

Watch Clerks: The Animated Series - 05 in Animation  |  View More Free Videos Online at

Gay Hero

As APR spent the holidays in California APR was reminded of the fact that there still exist in America discrimination, hate, mistrust and anger. Yes America! APR can't believe it either but America is being split apart by hate.

Of course APR is talking about Prop. 8. Something about a marriage being only a man and a woman. (A Man and A Woman?) There is suffering in the rich streets of Hollywood as rich gay Americans are denied their God given right to end up losing all they worked for in a divorce case. Some might say APR is homophobic but that is contrary to what APR stands for. Because if you know APR you know that APR talks openly and freely with the gay community in their normal place of gathering (the men's room). As the gay community struggles to end this suffering they somehow cannot connect with main stream society.

Well if anyone from the gay community is listening APR has the best solution to your problem.

As Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball and Oprah broke the rich white men's dominance over the pocket books of white women so too must the gay community need a hero.

And APR has found one true hero, and it's very appropriate that he lives in the same state as Prop. 8.

APR is talking about the one, the only, Zorro.
Spread the news for he is back!
To help the helpless
To befriend the friendless
To defeat the defeat-less

Not Antonio Banderas... Oh no...
APR is talking about Zorro the Gay Blade.

Here is your hero Mr. Gay and Lesbian America. Bask in the glory that is Zorro the Gay Blade.
