People have asked APR how APR manages to raise APR's children in a TV friendly environment when their is so much pressure to turn off the TV. Well it's tough and with APR's spawn spending so much time at daycare and school it's hard to make sure they watch at least 8 hours of TV.
Luck for APR and all those parents out there worried about making sure their kids get enough time to watch TV there is the Disney Channel. So APR has the Disney channel on 24/7 along with a mini-dvd player showing High School Musical next to the TV and a laptop which boots up on to make sure APR's kids get's more than enough TV time.
And yes even APR enjoys some Disney and APR isn't taking about waiting for the Disney Channel start to be 18. Oh no, APR loves Phineas and Ferb.
And not only is the shows entertaining but the shows will teach APR's girls to become music video dancers. Check out how close this song from Phineas and Ferb is to Beyonce's song Single Ladies.
And don't forget I got Squirrels in My Pants.
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