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Saturday, January 3, 2009

Gay Hero

As APR spent the holidays in California APR was reminded of the fact that there still exist in America discrimination, hate, mistrust and anger. Yes America! APR can't believe it either but America is being split apart by hate.

Of course APR is talking about Prop. 8. Something about a marriage being only a man and a woman. (A Man and A Woman?) There is suffering in the rich streets of Hollywood as rich gay Americans are denied their God given right to end up losing all they worked for in a divorce case. Some might say APR is homophobic but that is contrary to what APR stands for. Because if you know APR you know that APR talks openly and freely with the gay community in their normal place of gathering (the men's room). As the gay community struggles to end this suffering they somehow cannot connect with main stream society.

Well if anyone from the gay community is listening APR has the best solution to your problem.

As Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in baseball and Oprah broke the rich white men's dominance over the pocket books of white women so too must the gay community need a hero.

And APR has found one true hero, and it's very appropriate that he lives in the same state as Prop. 8.

APR is talking about the one, the only, Zorro.
Spread the news for he is back!
To help the helpless
To befriend the friendless
To defeat the defeat-less

Not Antonio Banderas... Oh no...
APR is talking about Zorro the Gay Blade.

Here is your hero Mr. Gay and Lesbian America. Bask in the glory that is Zorro the Gay Blade.

