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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Random Rant #4

Sorry for the lack of updates but APR has been busy headlining Peter Pan as Pirate #3.

Here are some blog ideas that APR has had over the past few days that APR really couldn't make into a long blog entry.

Male Girdle
APR has invented the male girdle or as APR would like to call it the "mirdle".

How better to give yourself six pack abs without doing sit ups.

Oh wait someone has already did that?

Well F-it!!!!

Back to the drawing boards.

How about male pantyhose -- "manty-hose"? Anyone come up with that yet?

Embarrassing moments in APR's life #1
As you can see APR looked like a transvestite whore for Peter Pan and you're all thinking is that the most embarrassing thing APR has ever done?

The answer is no, not in a long shot.

Like some crazy self help program APR will list out embarrassing moments in APR's life to exercise the demons of APR's past.

So you're all asking APR looks pretty comfortable in make-up but has APR ever put on woman's clothing in public? The answer of course is yes. Back in high school APR dressed up for the homecoming pep rally not once but twice as a cheerleader. APR did so with the other members of the basketball team as a skit and to show team pride. Or was it just gay pride... no one knows and it was before digital cameras so lucky for APR no one has any pictures.

APR was Candidate #1B

Yes APR would like to confirm that APR was Candidate #1B for Obama's vacant Senate seat. APR offered Gov. Blagojevich a job as APR's editor and 50% share in APR's web site earnings along with a post as Union President of APR's new blog union, United Bloggers of America #1 and APR would allow Blagojevich wife to be CEO of APR's new business selling Manty-Hose.

