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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bruce Lee Vs. Iron Man

We all know how much of a badass Bruce Lee was but what will happen if Bruce Lee took on Iron Man?

Wait for the surprise ending.

So now you know...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


APR loves Deadpool and hates what Hollywood is doing to his character in the new Hollywood movie.

But APR does love Ryan Reynolds and since Ryan is such a big fan of Deadpool APR will let it slide...

Here's Ryan during an interview

And here's a little taste of Deadpool.

If you want to check out Deadpool for free you can read it online here.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

F-U Peter David

Who is Peter David and why does APR hate him?

Peter David is a bad comic book writer but that isn't the point.

Peter may or may not have shut down Scans_Daily. Well APR wants someone to blame so APR will blame Peter.

What was Scans_Daily. It was were APR kept in touch with what was happening with comic books and connected with other comic book readers. But copyright holders felt they were illegally using their material. Sadly by posting some parts of comic book pages Scans_Daily sold more comic books and got more publicity to those comic books than a Hollywood comic book movie and cost less money to do so.

So Peter and the corporation who don't like fans that he works for decided to use Da Man and shut down the site.

But what does APR know.

RIP Scans_Daily.

F-U Peter David...

F-U to hell...

Here's a site that might one day hope to be like Scans_Daily.
